I recently created an Author’s profile on Goodreads.com. To improve the quality of my profile, I was prompted to answer 6 questions…
1. How do you deal with writer’s block?
RG: Change. Change the scenery. Have a drink (a proper drink), then start writing. Write without thinking and then look over your work for inspirational, out-the-box ideas.2. What’s the best thing about being a writer?
RG: Finding something passionate and fulfilling to take up time that would otherwise be wasted on mundane stuff.
RG: Finding something passionate and fulfilling to take up time that would otherwise be wasted on mundane stuff.
3. What’s your advice for aspiring writers?
RG: Put the framework for your story together and stick to it. Lauren Beukes gave me the best advice when I started writing. She said “finish your story”. In other words, don’t mess about with marketing or anything else, rather stick to finishing the story first. You gotta keep your eye on the ball. If you busy yourself with other stuff in the middle of writing, then you lose focus and momentum which makes it that much harder to start writing again. Be consistent. Write at the same time and place.
RG: Put the framework for your story together and stick to it. Lauren Beukes gave me the best advice when I started writing. She said “finish your story”. In other words, don’t mess about with marketing or anything else, rather stick to finishing the story first. You gotta keep your eye on the ball. If you busy yourself with other stuff in the middle of writing, then you lose focus and momentum which makes it that much harder to start writing again. Be consistent. Write at the same time and place.
4. What are you currently working on?
RG: I’m currently working on the framework for my next novel.
RG: I’m currently working on the framework for my next novel.
5. How do you get inspired to write?
RG: Inspiration doesn’t come easy. Most of the time you just have to put your head down, start writing and get into the story. Once you bury yourself in the detail, the inspiration flows. It’s important to work within a framework instead of just writing blind. This gives you a set of goals or milestones to work towards within the story. Sometimes an exciting piece of the story becomes an inspirational drawcard so you write until you reach it and then the passion really flows.
6. Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?
RG: So much of the same stuff has been written about that what I really wanted was to create something different. Something unique. I read a book once, long ago, about the Lemurian civilisation so I decided to use it as a basis for my story. It just works. I believe that it speaks to people today. It’s filled with mystery, intrigue, prophecy, crime, spirituality, adventure and suspense. It’s best described as a new-age, dystopian thriller. Dan Brown meets James Redfield.
RG: So much of the same stuff has been written about that what I really wanted was to create something different. Something unique. I read a book once, long ago, about the Lemurian civilisation so I decided to use it as a basis for my story. It just works. I believe that it speaks to people today. It’s filled with mystery, intrigue, prophecy, crime, spirituality, adventure and suspense. It’s best described as a new-age, dystopian thriller. Dan Brown meets James Redfield.
Here’s the link to the page.