Musical Interlude

Music is a human thing, a form of artistic expression, composed to produce a universal language, understood by everyone everywhere, no matter who you are or where you are from.

Music unites people and cultures. It brings them together, breaks down barriers, dilutes conflict, manifests love and establishes peace.

Music has the power to change the world and it has been this way since the dawn of creation. When you consider music this way, it’s quite plain to see that it’s a mighty force, far more powerful than any single language on the planet.

Harness the energy and power of music and you will have the world at your feet. And so it has been for millenia. Just look at artists like Mozart, Bach, Elvis, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Michael Jackson and Madonna, to name but a few.  

Emerging musicians have the greatest influence on the youth in each and every generation. Look to these artists and you will find a Darwinian beat, the epicentre of the music evolution, expressed through powerful sounds and explicit lyrics. Think back to your youth and you will see that it is no coincidence that each and every one of us treasures the music of our teens the most. Coming-of-age teenagers are finding their freedom, rebelling against society and are easily influenced by musicians expressing their often controversial ideas with the world.

At the same time, music is the reason that there is a disconnect in the world. Music is part of the cause of the generation gap, when an older, more experienced generation finds difficulty in connecting to a younger, more savvy generation; a generation that is at the forefront of technology and change. I see this quite clearly with my kids. They listen to heavy rap songs, where the artists curse profusely, making me sick to my core.

And my kids just take it in and spit it right out as if swearing is now an acceptable part of everyday speech. The lines are blurred and there’s less and less tolerance and respect for one other. Digital devices and text messaging have been a massive contribution to this problem.

But it’s the music, a vehicle of expression for those still trying to find their voices. Those young and curious minds that are only just entering the big, wide world: Millenials. Millenials who want to be heard. Millenials who are fighting for their individuality. Millenials who want to make a noise big enough to make their mark in society, through music, and the language of song.

Richard Gradner is a Director at Mustard, a Creative and Digital agency based in Cape Town. He was the first Red Bull Marketing Director in South Africa and has a passion for brands and branding. Richard is an ex-Kung Fu and Tai Chi teacher and currently runs his own massage therapy practice called GLVTE. He has a deep connection to all things spiritual, lives life to the full and maintains a healthy mind and body through the daily practice of Yoga. He is also the author of the following mythical fiction novels: Return to LemuriaUnicorn and Servant of Memory, all available on He is near completion of his latest novel, entitled, ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY.

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